【Nature Fiesta】Camping House Package (7 pax) (Free Barbecue Grill)

Earliest Date: 2025-03-03

On Going Discount

Promotion til 2025-05-01
From 2024-11-19 To 2025-05-01 , Mon To Sun use 20% off (Inapplicable on 2024-12-24,2024-12-25,2024-12-26,2024-12-31,2025-01-01,2025-01-28,2025-01-29,2025-01-30,2025-01-31,2025-04-03,2025-04-17,2025-04-18,2025-04-19,2025-04-20,2025-04-21,2025-04-30)

Booking Info


🚌Luxury Camping House Price

Sunday to Thursday: HKD 2,500
Friday, Saturday, public holiday and public holiday eve: HKD 3,500

*No pets allow

Terms & Conditions

Campvan guests are required to observe the following campsite precaution:

  • BBQ and dinner time are not allowed with other guests
  • Guests must wear a mask at all time except during eating or drinking

If the government updates the xocial distancing measures, we will adjust the relevant details accordingly

  • The campsite is private area, guests could enjoy 10% off discount at nearby restaurants and bars.
  • Must pay a deposit of $1000 upon arrival. 
  • The latest check-in time is 8:00 pm. Please notify the campsite prior to arrival if campers wish to check-in at other time. 
  • Please present your ID card upon checking-in. 
  • The campsite is located in the restricted area in Lantau Island. Those who wishes to drive through must apply for the approval beforehand. 
  • Terms and Conditions

    1. Please bring your own personal items such as towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, slippers, etc. 
    2. Campers must not bring drinks from the outside. 
    3. Pets are welcomed in the campsite, but they must not enter the caravans. 
    4. Campers must not cook inside the caravan, but stoves can be rented to cook outside the caravan. Cooking utensils can be borrowed on the site for free. 
    5. Accessories and appliances, such as rice cookers, pots, hairdryers, music players and other kitchenware. 
    6. Campers must clean all borrowed utensils after use. Otherwise, the campsite is entitled to charge a cleaning fee. 
    7. Additional tents are available for borrowing. (Mattresses and sleeping bags included)

Cancellation Policy

Bad Weather Policy

If Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3 or amber rainstorm signal is hoisted on the departure date, and the new ferry/transportation service is under normal service, the check-in arrangements for the relevant accommodation will proceed as usual.

If the red rainstorm warning or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 is hoisted by the Observatory 2 hours before the departure time of the experience, the following arrangements will be provided, and no refund will be allowed.


•Change the experience service date for free once, and the customer needs to use it within 90 days of the original date and advance appointment is needed. Those who did not make a new appointment before the expiry date will be considered as abandonment the booking.
•If the reschedule is from the normal period to peak period, the additional amount will need to be paid by the guest.
•If the updated price after the rescheduling is lower than the original price, such as change from the peak period to the normal period, the difference will not be refunded.

If the guest is under the above bad weather condition and would like to proceed with their rescheduling, please contact the Holimood CS in written form (either email or Whatsapp) within working hours on your departure date. All late notice will not be accepted and will be considered as abandonment of the booking.

In case of any dispute, Holimood reserves the right of final decision.

Cancel without any refunds
Please input date


Service Time (From): 4:00 PM
Service Time (To): 12:00 AM


  • 營地位處於大埔汀角路,適合情侶﹑家庭﹑一眾好友或團體體驗
  • 營地鄰近有多條行山徑,包括大美督家樂徑、大埔滘自然教育徑等
  • 營友可步行日落絕美打卡點龍尾灘


  • 冷暖氣空調
  • 電視機  (可觀看Netflix)
  • 風筒
  • 雪櫃
  • 熱水煲
  • 電磁爐
  • 基本餐具 (刀、匙羹、筷子、碗、杯)
  • 沐浴間
  • 免費2個泊車車位  (3架泊車或以上需收取$120 / 每輛)

*建議使用人數為 3 -7人




  • 提供桌遊
  • 度假風觀星

星期日至四:HKD 2,500
星期五、六、公眾假期及公眾假期前夕:HKD 3,500

營地附近有自費🌊水上活動可參與, 如踏浪艇, 獨木舟等,
行返出汀角路往大尾督方向步行10-15分鐘會到海灘🏖️, 龍尾灘日落打卡

再向前行到大尾督可到嘉樂徑行山, 亦可租單車或玩水上單車/船

另外, 揸車亦可到蝶豆花園(需另購票入場)同小動物🐏玩下, 做下小手工🎨, 一家大細👨‍👩‍👧‍👦都啱玩

如事先有預約, 都可以到慈山寺參觀呀😊


  • 額外泊車位   HKD 120



  • 客人可以HKD 300租用爐具(包括燒烤爐一個、煮食爐一個及Gas),自備燒烤食材烹調美食
  • 如客人只租用爐具可以現場支付現金HKD 300, 不需提前預訂
  • 租爐費用已包括炭 x 1袋、燒烤夾 x 2、燒烤網 x 1、專人開爐、租爐費用等等
  • 燒烤爐及位置將由營地工作人員安排,並沒有指定位置,客人不得異議



Exact location provided after booking


Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Campvan guests are required to observe the following campsite precaution:

  • BBQ and dinner time are not allowed with other guests
  • Guests must wear a mask at all time except during eating or drinking

If the government updates the xocial distancing measures, we will adjust the relevant details accordingly

  • The campsite is private area, guests could enjoy 10% off discount at nearby restaurants and bars.
  • Must pay a deposit of $1000 upon arrival. 
  • The latest check-in time is 8:00 pm. Please notify the campsite prior to arrival if campers wish to check-in at other time. 
  • Please present your ID card upon checking-in. 
  • The campsite is located in the restricted area in Lantau Island. Those who wishes to drive through must apply for the approval beforehand. 
  • Terms and Conditions

    1. Please bring your own personal items such as towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, slippers, etc. 
    2. Campers must not bring drinks from the outside. 
    3. Pets are welcomed in the campsite, but they must not enter the caravans. 
    4. Campers must not cook inside the caravan, but stoves can be rented to cook outside the caravan. Cooking utensils can be borrowed on the site for free. 
    5. Accessories and appliances, such as rice cookers, pots, hairdryers, music players and other kitchenware. 
    6. Campers must clean all borrowed utensils after use. Otherwise, the campsite is entitled to charge a cleaning fee. 
    7. Additional tents are available for borrowing. (Mattresses and sleeping bags included)

Cancellation Policy

Bad Weather Policy

If Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3 or amber rainstorm signal is hoisted on the departure date, and the new ferry/transportation service is under normal service, the check-in arrangements for the relevant accommodation will proceed as usual.

If the red rainstorm warning or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 is hoisted by the Observatory 2 hours before the departure time of the experience, the following arrangements will be provided, and no refund will be allowed.


•Change the experience service date for free once, and the customer needs to use it within 90 days of the original date and advance appointment is needed. Those who did not make a new appointment before the expiry date will be considered as abandonment the booking.
•If the reschedule is from the normal period to peak period, the additional amount will need to be paid by the guest.
•If the updated price after the rescheduling is lower than the original price, such as change from the peak period to the normal period, the difference will not be refunded.

If the guest is under the above bad weather condition and would like to proceed with their rescheduling, please contact the Lunghome CS in written form (either email or Whatsapp) within working hours on your departure date. All late notice will not be accepted and will be considered as abandonment of the booking.

In case of any dispute, Lunghome reserves the right of final decision.